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Hedley DW, Clark GM, Cornelisse CJ et al. Consensus review of the clinical utility of DNA cytometry in carcinoma of the breast. Report of the DNA Cytometry Consensus Conference. Cytometry 1993, 14, 482-485 Henderson Cl, Berry DA, Demetri GD et al. Improved outcomes from adding sequential paclitaxel but not from escalating doxorubicin dose in an adjuvant chemotherapy regimen for patients with node-positive primary breast cancer. J Clin Oncol 2003, 21, 976-983 Hilsenbeck SG, Ravdin PM, de Moor CA et al. Time-dependence of hazard ratios for prognostic factors in primary breast cancer. Breast Cancer res Treat 1998, 52, 227-237 Keyomarsi K, Tucker SL, Bedrosian I. Cyclin E is a more powerful predictor of breast cancer outcome than proliferation. Nat Med 2003, 9, 152 Loesch D, Greco FA, O'Schaughnessy J et al. A randomized, multicentric phase III trial comparing regimens of doxorubicin + cyclophosphamide followed by paclitaxel or doxorubicin + paclitaxel followed by weekly paclitaxel as adjuvant therapy for patients with high risk breast cancer. SABCS 2004, abs 28 Look MP, Van Putten WL, Duffy MJ et al. Pooled analysis of prognostic impact of urokinase-type plasminogen activator and its inhibitor PAI-1 in 8377 breast cancer patients. J Natl Cancer Inst 2002, 94, 116-128 Loprinzi C, Ravdin PM. Decision-making for patients with respectable breast cancer: Individualized decisions for and by patients and their physicians. Journal of the National Cancer Network 2003, 1, 189-196 Mamounas E.P., Bryant J., Lembersky B.C., and al. Paclitaxel following doxorubicin cyclophosphamide as adjuvant chemotherapy for node-positive breast cancer: Results from NSABP B-28. ASCO 2003, abs 12 Manders P, Tjan-Heijnen VC, Span PN et al. Predictive impact of urokinase-type plasminogen activator: plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 complex on the efficacy of adjuvant systemic therapy in primary breast cancer. Cancer Res 2004, 64, 659-64 Martin M., Pienkowski T., Mackey J and al. TAC improves DFS and OS over FAC in node positive eraly breast cancer patients, BCRIG 2001. SABCS, abs 43 Mathieu MC, Rouzier R, Llombart-Cussac A et al. The poor responsiveness of infiltrating lobular breast carcinomas to neoadjuvant chemotherapy can be explained by their biological profile. Eur J Cancer 2004, 40, 342-51 National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Conference Statement: Adjuvant Therapy for Breast Cancer, November 13, 2000. J Natl Cancer Inst Monogr 2001, 30, 5-15 Olivetto IA, Bajdik C, Ravdin et al. An independent population-based validation of the adjuvant decision-aid for stage I-II breast cancer. ASCO 2004, abs 522 Penault-Llorca F, Cayre A. [Assessment of HER2 status in breast cancer]Bull Cancer. 2004 Dec 1; 91 Suppl 4: S211-5. Penault-Llorca F, Balaton A, Sabourin JC, Le Doussal V; Groupe d'evaluation des facteurs pronostiques par immunohistochimie dans les cancers du sein GEFPICS ; . [Immunochemistry evaluation of HER2 status in infiltration breast cancer: technical protocol and interpretation guidelines] Ann Pathol. 2002 Apr; 22 2 ; : 150-7 Petit T, Wilt M, Velten M et al. Comparative value of tumor grade, hormonal receptors, KI-67, HER-2 and topoisomérase II alpha status as predictive markers in breast cancer patients treated with neoadjuvant anthracyclines-based chemotherapy. Eur J Cancer 2004, 40, 205-211 Pico C, Martin M, Jara C et al. Epirubicin-cyclophosphamide EC ; chemotherapy plus tamoxifen T ; administered concurrent Con ; versus sequential Sec ; : randomized phase III trial in postmenopausal node-positive breast cancer BC ; patients. GEICAM 9401 study. ASCO 2002, abs 144 Pritchard KI, Paterson AHG, Paul NA et al. Increased thromboembolic complications with concurrent tamoxifen and chemotherapy in a randomized trial of adjuvant therapy for women with breast cancer. J Clin Oncol 1996, 10, 2731-2737 Putzai L, Rouzier R, Rajan R et al. Microtubules associated protein TAU is a predictive marker and modulator of response tto paclitaxel-containing preoperative chemotherapy in breast cancer. SABCS 2004, Abs 112 Roché H, Fumoleau P, Spielman M et al. Five years analysis of the PACS 01 trial: 6 cycles of FEC 100 versus 3 cycles of FEC 100 followed by 3 cycles of docetaxel for the adjuvant treatment of node positive breast cancer. SABCS 2004, abs 27 Rouesse J, Cvitkovic F, De Lalande B et al. Concomitant or sequential chemo-radiotherapy in operable breast cancer. Final results of a French multicentric phase III study. SABCS 2002, abs 649 et la terbinafine.
[123] V. C. Jordan, R. R. Bain, R. R. Brown, B. Gosden, and M. A. Santos, "Determination and pharmacology of a new hydroxylated metabolite of tamoxifen observed in patient sera during therapy for advanced breast cancer, " Cancer Res., vol. 43, pp. 1446 1450, March 1, 1983. [124] M. W. DeGregorio, G. T. Wurz, T. L. Taras, R. U. Erkkola, K. H. Halonen, and R. K. Huupponen, "Pharmacokinetics of deaminohydroxy ; toremifene in humans: a new, selective estrogen-receptor modulator, " European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, vol. 56, no. 6, pp. 469 475, 2000. [125] Q. Qu, H. Zheng, J. Dahllund, A. Laine, N. Cockcroft, Z. Peng, M. Koskinen, K. Hemminki, L. Kangas, K. Vaananen, and P. Harkonen, "Selective estrogenic eects of a novel triphenylethylene compound, FC1271a, on bone, cholesterol level, and reproductive tissues in intact and ovariectomized rats, "Endocrinology, vol. 141, no. 2, pp. 809 820, 2000. [126] P. Köpf-Maier, H. Köpf, and E. W. Neuse, "Ferrocenium salts- the .rst antineoplastic iron compounds, " Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl., vol. 23, pp. 456 457, 1984. [127] A. M. Joy, D. M. L. Goodgame, and I. J. Stratford, "High e ciency of ferricenium salts as radiosensitizers of V79 cells in vitro and the KHT tumor in vivo, " [128] H. Tamura and M. Miwa, "DNA cleaving activity and cytotoxic activity of ferricenium cations, " Chem. Lett., pp. 1177 1178, 1997. [129] D. Osella, M. Ferrali, P. Zanello, F. Laschi, M. Fontani, C. Nervi, and G. Cavigiolio, "On the mechanism of the antitumor activity of ferrocenium derivatives, " Inorg. Chim. Acta, vol. 306, pp. 42 2000. 48, [130] G. Tabbi, C. Cassino, G. Cavigiolio, D. Colangelo, A. Ghiglia, I. Viano, and D. Osella, "Water stability and cytotoxic activity relationship of a series of ferricenium derivatives. ESR insights on the radical production during the degradation process, " J. Med. Chem., vol. 45, pp. 5786 5796, 2002. [131] J. P. Kehrer, "The Haber-Weiss reaction and mechanisms of toxicity, "Toxicology, vol. 149, no. 1, pp. 43 50., 2000. [132] A. Nguyen, A. Vessieres, E. A. Hillard, S. Top, P. Pigeon, and G. Jaouen, "Ferrocifens and ferrocifenols as new potential weapons against breast cancer, " Chimia, in press. 140.
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| Voir cet égard Commission, décisions SSI, JO 1982 n L 232, p. 1 22; SMM & T, JO 1983 n L 376, p. 1 3; BTDA, JO 1988 n L 233, p. 15 20, 23; Banques néerlandaises, JO 1989 n L 253, p. 1 page 5. Voir Commission, décisions Carreaux céramiques de revêtement et de pavement, JO 1971 n L 10, p. 15 18; Chauffe-eau et chauffe-bains au gaz, JO 1973 n L 217, p. 34 36; SSI, loc. cit., confirmée par CJCE-NSO contre Commission, aff. 260 82, Rec. 1985, p. 3801 3821 et suiv. Voir Commission, décisions Kodak, JO 1970 n L 147, p. 24 26; Pittsburgh Corning Europe, JO 1972 n L 272, p. 35 37; SMM & T, loc. cit.; BTDA, loc. cit.; Banques néerlandaises, loc. cit. Voir Commission, décisions ASPA, JO 1970 n L 148, p. 9 10; Papiers peints de Belgique, JO 1974 n L 237, p. 3 9, confirmée par CJCE-idem, aff. 73 74, Rec. 1975, p. 1491 1514 et acheter tobradex.
L'étude a impliqué 9, 366 patients de cancer du sein de premier stade dans 21 pays qui ont été au hasard désignés de recevoir tamoxifen, anastrozole ou une combinaison des deux.